Search results : (7759 results)
PublicationNapoléon et la Perse
Amini’s interesting book on Napoleon’s relations with Persia (published by the Napoleon Foundation) is still available.
PublicationKaiser und Erzkanzler Carl von Dalberg und Napoleon
PublicationTsar Alexander I
This is part of a series which provides studies of key, political figures in world history since 1500. The books are not biographies as such; rather they are designed to be succinct interpretative essays analysing the major features of the career within the context of its own time. This book covers the career of Tsar […]
PublicationAnton Freiherr von Cetto (1756-1847): Ein bayerischer Diplomat der napoleonischen Zeit. Eine politische Biographie, (Francia Beihefte:Band 36)
A detailed discussion of the life and work of von Cetto and the way in which Franco-Bavarian relations in the period 1805-1815 were established. Neri illustrates how the triumvirate, Cetto, Montgelas and Maximilian I Joseph, organised the political decision-making process in the Bavarian government. Contrary to previous theories, von Cetto was not simply the executive […]
PublicationA Man of Honour: Adam Czartoryski as a Statesman of Russia and Poland 1795-1831
This book is a study of the political career of Prince Adam Czartoryski, a Polish patriot who rose to become foreign minister of the Russian Empire under Tsar Alexander I. A controversial figure in the history of both Poland and Russia, Czartoryski played a leading role in the struggle against Napoleon Bonaparte and was instrumental […]
PublicationNapoleon’s Irish Legion, Carbondale and Edwardsville
Reviewed by Michael Broers of the University of Leeds (UK) in the British periodical French History, vol. 12, no. 3, Sept. 1998.
PublicationA History of Modern France
This second volume begins with the refashioning of French laws and institutions under Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799 and ends with the Commune of Paris in 1871. While there is an ample supply of “facts”, this book devotes more attention to the great turning-points of the period aiming not to force agreement wih his own interpretation […]
PublicationDer Kampf um die Einführung des Code Napoleon in den Rheinbundstaaten by Elisabeth Fehrenbach
Published in 1973 by Zabern, MainzPaperbackISBN: 3805322356
PublicationEnglish translation of Dumas play
Napoleon Bonaparte or 30 Years of French History. Drama in 6 Acts, and 23 Tableaux, by Alexandre Dumas père, 1831 (translated into English and adapted by Frank Morlock) is now online