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The History of Lord Seaton's Regiment, (The 52nd Light Infantry) at the Battle of Waterloo - Chapter V, by William Leake
The last of the three chapters here online of the Reverend Leeke's revendication of the key role of the 52nd Light Infantry at the conclusion of the Battle of Waterloo.


With Paris suffering a serious winter, the First Consul asked his Justice Minister, Regnier, to support the charitable societies:
"Since the winter is at its worst, it would be suitable to have 150,000 francs distributed to the to the charitable societies so as to augment assistance to the poor."
Correspondance, letter n° 7 555, 30 Pluviôse, An XII (20 February, 1804)

1 Ventôse, An XII (21 February, 1804), Bonaparte was concerned about the equipment for the Grenadiers of the Reserve in Arras, commanded by the General Junot:
"Citizen General Junot, please let me know if your coats have arrived and the real situation of your batallion, namely, whether you have billies, pins, two pairs of shoes in the knapsack and in short everything necessary for the campagne."
Correspondance, letter n° 7 559
Spain: a call to order
In a letter of 2 Ventôse, An XII (22 February, 1804), the First Consul asked his Foreign Affairs Minister, Talleyrand, to call Spain to order:
"The Spanish are not paying their subsidies, Citizen Minister; on 1 Ventôse they ought to have paid 36 million, and they only paid 15. I want an explanation of this from the Chargé d'affaires. I needed this money for the army."
Correspondance, letter n° 7 562
On 26 Vendémiaire, An XII (19 October, 1803), France had signed a convention of neutrality an subsidies with Spain: Spain was therefore gained the advantage of not having to enter into conflict with Britain, whilst France gained funds with which to finance the coming war with Britain.

Wishing you an excellent, Napoleonic, week!

Peter Hicks
Historian and Web editor

      THIS WEEK:
Press review
- Web article on women in the Royal Navy in Nelson's time
- Web article on George III and History's Poisoned Well

Recently published
- Letters from the Battle of Waterloo, unpublished correspondence by allied officers from the Siborne Papers, ed. Gareth Glover
- Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars, by Kevin F. Kiley
- Eugénie: The Empress and her Empire, by Desmond Seward

What's on
- Exhibition: Napoleon and the sea, a dream of Empire, Paris

- Exhibition: Art booty in the Napoleonic period. The "French gift" to Mainz, 1803
- Exhibition: Napoleon and the Jouy Cloth

The monthly titles
- This month's book: The Politics of Religion in Napoleonic Italy: The War Against God, 1801-1814, by Michael Broers

- This month's painting: Justice and Divine Vengeance pursuing Crime, by Prud'hon
- This month's article: The History of Lord Seaton's Regiment, (The 52nd Light Infantry) at the Battle of Waterloo - Chapter V, by William Leeke
- In the Collectors Corner, The Jouy Cloth - bed cover: "Pallas and Venus"
