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    Article of the month
The Cinco de Mayo and French Imperialism, by Peter Hicks
Especially in Texas (but also in Mexico),
the Cinco de Mayo has become a time for eating tacos and being proud to be Mexican. But what really happened at the 'Batalla de Puebla' exactly 140 years ago? Was it really the defining moment of Mexican nationalism, more so than the Mexican declaration of independence from Spain, 16 September, 1810?
200 Years Ago...
10 May, 1802 (20 Floréal, An X), Cambacérès signed the bill for the referendum which contained the following question to be put to the voting public: "Should Napoleon Bonaparte become a consul for life?"; the Conseil d'Etat held an 'extraordinary' meeting to organise the referendum.
11 May, 1802 (21 Floréal, An X), the Consuls' bill of 20 Floréal was posted throughout Paris; two registers (one for 'ayes' and one for 'noes') were opened at the Prefecture de Police so that citizens could express their opinion - they had up to 21 May (1 Prairial). The expression of an opinion was not however anonymous, and those who expressed opposition to the life consulship were nevertheless anxious to underline their confidence and support for the First Consul in every other respect!
12 May, 1802 (22 Floréal, An X), the Tribunat voted almost unanimously for the life consulship (Carnot's was the only dissenting voice), and the Corps législatif was also almost unanimous (with only three votes not supporting the motion).
During the nights of 14 and 15 May, 1802, there were very heavy frosts which destroyed a large part of market garden produce and vines in and around Paris. Large price rises were feared...
Wishing you an excellent, Napoleonic, week!
Peter Hicks 

Historian and Web editor

      THIS WEEK:
- French Elba bicentenary celebrations
- Conference for the bicentenary of the Peace of Amiens
- French Presence Symposium in South Africa
Just Published
- A dual of giants: Bismark, Napoleon III and the origins of the Franco-Prussian war, by David Wetzel
- Mexico and the foreign policy of Napoleon III, by Michele Cunningham

The monthly titles: in May
- Book of the Month: 1815: The Return of Napoleon by Paul Britten Austin
- This month's picture, The return of Marcus Sextus

- Article of the Month, The Cinco de Mayo and French Imperialism, by Peter Hicks
- In the Collectors Corner, the allegorical clock, Diogenes looking for a man, by Claude Galle