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Peter Hicks
How much do you know about Napoleon III? Try our quiz.
Arie Ribon takes you on a virtual visit to the Napoleonica in the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

In Germany, in the middle of June 1802, a lottery was launched in an attempt to bring back into circulation the 12 kreutzer pieces which had previously been suppressed in March.
17 June, 1802 (28 Prairial, An X), a report was published in the Moniteur universel by the school of medicine  on the subject of the paints used for children's toys: "The most frequently used substances in the painting of children's toys are copper, lead, iron, and Prussian blue, [...]. It is however clear that these toys could become dangerous for children's health, since children naturally put into their mouths whatever they happen to have in their hands; despite the fact that the above-mentioned poisons are covered with paint which stops them becoming mixed with the children's saliva. [...] As a result, we think that the sale of these children's toys painted [with such substances] should be banned, particularly since most of these colours can be replaced by vegetable-based colours."
18 June, 1802 (29 Prairial, An X), Decaen was ordered to retake the French trading posts in India, as per the Peace of Amiens.
20 June, 1802 (1 Messidor, An X), the Archbishop of Paris celebrated mass in the Tuileries Chapel. The Archibishop of Milan and the Archbishop of Bordeaux, the Bishops of Limoges, Ajaccio, Liège, Amiens, Namur, Le Mans and Sées took the oath of allegiance to the First Consul.

Wishing you an excellent, Napoleonic, week!
Peter Hicks
Historian and Web editor

      THIS WEEK:
- Archives: The archives of the Eglise Réformée de France (1791-1996) (Reformed Church of France) deposited at the Centre historique of the Paris Archives nationales
- Archives: The Centre historique of the Paris Archives nationales receives the archives of the Réunion des Fabricants de bronzes (1817-1954)

Gale Force 10: The Life and Legacy of Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort

- The Route de l'Impératrice Eugénie
Under the title 'Associations and Foundations', 'Outside Paris'

- Radio programme: Soldier, Soldier, docudrama about Albuera
- Exhibition: First Empire clothing at the Riversdale House Museum (USA)
- Conference: 1802, the re-establishment of slavery. Changes and continuities in French colonial policy, 1802 - 1804 - 1825 - 1830
- Re-enactment: Historical re-enactment on Elba, 21-23 June
- Re-enactment: 4th Napoleonic Bivouac - Genappe (Belgium)

- Book of the Month: The French Second Empire: An Anatomy of Political Power, by Roger Price
- This month's picture, Costume ball at the Tuileries Palace, by Carpeaux
- Article of the Month, Napoleonic Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by Arie Ribon
- In the Collectors Corner, the star of the Légion d'Honneur
