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Bulletin - Bulletin  
The revolt in Cairo, 21 October 1798, by Girodet
Violence and orientalism meet here in this darkly powerful painting. A vivid example of Neoclassicism turning to Romanticism.

13 September, 1802 (26 Fructidor, An X), subject to the hostility of Talleyrand and Bonaparte's brothers because of his opposition to the life-consulship, Fouché was forced to leave the Ministry of Police. His job was split into three, and he was replaced by Régnier (Grand-Juge), Dubois (Préfet de police) and Desmaret (Police politique). The encomium which accompanied his appointment as senator on 15 September makes no reference to this tri-partite division: "Citizen Fouché, Minister of Police in difficult circumstances, performed his duties with talent, assiduousness and loyalty to the government in the face of the many demands put upon him. Although now elected to the Senate, should the situtation so develop that he was once again required at the Ministry of Police, the Government could not find a candidate worthier of their confidence."
Le Moniteur Universel, 30 Fructidor, An XI.
13 September, 1802 (26 Fructidor, An X), Santo Domingo was in general revolt.
15 September, 1805 (28 Fructidor an XI), Roederer left his post as Director of Instruction publique to be replaced by the chemist Fourcroy. Roederer was also replaced as president of the Section de l'Intérieur at the Conseil d'Etat, by Regnaud Saint-Jean-d'Angely. Roederer was subsequently appointed Senator.
18 September, 1802 (1st Complementary day of An X), the three volumes of Dominique-Vivant Denon's Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute-Egypte were published by Didot.

Errata in the Bulletin of 26 July:
the Fort de Joux where Toussaint Louverture was imprisoned was in fact near Besançon (not Grenoble);
The date 23 July, 1802, was not the date of imprisonment but rather the date of the Consular bill ordering that imprisonment. He was actually locked up a month later.
Please excuse us!
Wishing you an excellent, Napoleonic, week!

Peter Hicks
Historian and Web editor

      THIS WEEK:
O'Brian filmed
Press review
Napoleon by Paul Johnson, reviewed by Frank McLynn
Just published
- Venice and Venetia under the Habsburgs 1815-1835 - David Laven

What's on
- Visit: Dymchurch, Martello Tower, UK
- TV: Waterloo walk
- Tour: Statue of Wellington, Aldershot, UK
- Exhibition: Nelson & Emma, Personal Pots and Lasting Mementos    

The monthly titles
- Book of the Month: Henry Addington, Prime Minister, 1801-1804: Peace, War and Parliamentary politics, by John Fedorak
- This month's picture, The revolt in Cairo, 21 October 1798, by Girodet
- Article of the Month, Napoleon and Saint Helena, 1815-1816, by Roger Morriss
- In the Collectors Corner, the First Consul's glaive, by Boutet