A Very Brilliant Affair: The Battle of Queenston Heights, 1812

Author(s) : MALCOLMSON Robert
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The aim of this book was two fold, so the author tells us. Firstly it was to recount a formative moment in the history of the militia of Upper Canada, and secondly it was to provide a detailed study of a battle dalt with with summarily in a pamphlet written over a hundred years ago by E. A. Cruikshank. It is indeed very readable and gives a fascinating account of this key moment in the war of 1812, one which was crucial to Canadian history.

Includes notes, appendices, and an index.
For further details, click here.

Robert Malcolmson is an expert on the war of 1812 and author of many books on the subject.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
Toronto: Robin Brass Studio
Number of pages :
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