
Got a question concerning the activities and aims of the Fondation Napoléon? Got a problem with the site? Send us a message.

► Send us a message by clicking here, the form below is undergoing maintenance.

The Fondation Napoléon does not hold any archives, we therefore do not respond to requests for genealogical research.
Nor can we provide evaluations of historical objects or memorabilia.

Choose a subject for your question, fill in the form (all the boxes are obligatory) and click on Send.

The Fondation Napoléon does not possess historical archival material. The Documentation Centre therefore cannot answer any genealogical queries you may have.

    Subject (*)

    Title *

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    E-mail address *


    The fields marked with an * are compulsory.

    If you would prefer to write us a letter, please use the following address:

    7 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
    75005 Paris – France

    Want to visit the Fondation: here’s a map:
