Jérôme Napoléon, roi de Westphalie

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Jérôme Napoléon, roi de Westphalie
Gros, Portrait équestre du roi de Westphalie, Kassel © Museumlandschaft Hessen Kassel

Catalogue of the exhibition Jérôme Napoléon, roi de Westphalie on display at the Musée national du château de Fontainebleau from 10 October 2008 to 8 January 2009, Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2008.
At a time when Napoleon dominated the European scene, his brothers and sisters installed on the various thrones across the continent played a decisive role in the diffusion of the specific “French model”.
The Kingdom of Westphalia (1807-1813), whose fleeting existence was created ex nihilo, and at the head of which was placed Jérôme Napoléon, is a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. The relationship between France and the German states during this key period of their respective histories forms the basis for this richly-coloured biography of the younger Bonaparte brother. As well as the various events of Jérôme's life, this book, heavily illustrated and featuring the major works by David, Gros, Bosio, Dupré, and Kinson, works often neglected or little known in France, shines a light on an episode in Franco-German relations whose impact is still keenly felt today.
Catalogue summary:
– “Jérôme Bonaparte, un cadet doté d'un trône (1784-1807)” by Jacques-Olivier Boudon
– “Un mariage sous le regard de l'Europe. Vie de cour et fêtes de Fontainebleau en 1807” by Christophe Beyeler
– “Enjeux et usages d'une image. Jérôme Napoléon, prince français ou roi souverain ?” by Christophe Beyeler
– “Sur toile et en marbre. Portraits royaux commandés par Jérôme Napoléon, roi de Westphalie” by Guillaume Nicoud
– “Le style Empire. Les formes mobilisées au service du nouveau royaume” by Thorsten Smidt
– “Napoléonshöhe, joyau de la couronne de Westphalie” by Guillaume Nicoud
– “Un Etat modèle à l'heure napoléonienne. Politique et réformes dans le royaume de Westphalie” by Arnulf Siebeneicker
– “Long exil et heureux retour de fortune (1813-1860)” by Jacques-Olivier Boudon
Click here for more information about the exhibition.

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Editions RMN
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