Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire, volume II: L’effondrement du système napoléonien (1810-1814) (in French)

Author(s) : LENTZ Thierry
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Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire, volume II: L’effondrement du système napoléonien (1810-1814) (in French)
© Fayard

The second volume of Thierry Lentz's Nouvelle Histoire du Premier Empire series, L'effondrement du système napoléonien begins in 1810 at a point when the Empire seemed undefeatable. However, this period was to see French domination careen inescapably towards destruction as it strove to hold together a rapidly disintegrating empire.
The Nouvelle Histoire series
I Napoléon et la conquête de l'Europe (1804-1810)
II L'effondrement du système napoléonien (1810-1815)
III La France et l'Europe de Napoléon (1804-1814)
IV Les Cent-Jours (1815)

The Nouvelle Histoire series follows Le Grand Consulat, a study of the Consulate period, published by Fayard in 1999. Thierry Lentz was awarded the 1997 Fondation Napoléon history prize for a work on the First Empire.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
Paris: Fayard
Number of pages :
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