12th Annual International Napoleonic Society Congress, "Napoleon and Revolutions Around the World"

from 07/07/2014 to 11/07/2014
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12th Annual International Napoleonic Society Congress, "Napoleon and Revolutions Around the World"

Between 7 and 11 July 2014, the International Napoleonic Society will hold its twelfth annual congress in Havana, Cuba. The theme for this year's congress is “Napoleon and Revolutions Around the World”, and it promises to be a truly international event. 
Highlights from the conference programme include:
– Luigi Mascilli Migliorini (Italy), L'Héritage Napoléonien dans la Révolution Napolitaine de 1820
– Alan Forrest (England), Napoleon, Slavery and the French Atlantic
– Alex Grabb (USA), An Uprising in Milan at the End of the Napoleonic Rule [April 1814]
Johan Joor (Holland), Dutch Treat: The Correspondence between Two Key Napoleonic Figures, the Arch-Treasurer Lebrun and the Arch-Treasurer Cambacérès in the years 1810-1813
– Edna Markham-Mueller (Canada), Animating Napoleonic Era Naval Actions with Google Earth in the Atlantic
– Patrick Puigmal (Chile), L'Influence Militaire et Politique Napoléonienne sur l'Indépendance de l'Amérique Luso-Hispanique
– Natalia Bolivar (Cuba), The Founding of the Museo Napoléonico, Havana

In addition to dozens of conference papers, the International Napoleonic Society is organising a number of social events – including a reception at the Residence of the French amabssador, a gala at the Museo Napoleonico, and a private tour of the Museo Napoleonico too.  
More information about the Congress can be found here, or get in touch with the INS through their website.

Conference address:
Parque Central Hotel
La Habana Vieja

Langue(s) : English, French, Spanish

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