Napoleon and Waterloo

Theatrical Event
from 04/06/2015 to 29/08/2015
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Napoleon and Waterloo

The Théâtre Royal de Toone's traditional Brussels puppet theatre is putting on “Napoleon and Waterloo” written by TOONE VII, a parody on the hero's history, ending in Waterloo after the fight for Corsican independence, meeting Josephine, the Directory, the Egyptian campaign, the Consulate, the Consecration, his marriage to Marie-Louise, and finally, the ultimate confrontation. Like in all his other works, the puppeteer also presents characters of popular tradition. Here, grumpy Jef Pataat recalls his campaigns to friend Woltje, aide-de-camp of the Emperor.
(performances are in french).
More information here (in English)
Entrance: Impasse Sainte Pétronille
66 Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes
1000 Bruxelles
Tél. : 02 513 54 86 / E-mail:

Langue(s) : French

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