The Marengo Commemorative Column

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The Marengo Commemorative Column

This commemorative column with eagle on top was erected in 1801 on the site of the Battle of Marengo near to Alessandria. By imperial decree of 5 May 1805, a decision was made to erect a more impressive monument, namely pyramid. On the same day, a ceremony took place on the plain of Marengo in the presence of the emperor (dressed in the uniform he wore at the battle) and the empress. After reviewing some troop manoeuvres, he proceded to lay the foundation stone uttering the following words: "Napoléon, Empereur des Français et Roi d’Italie, aux mânes des défenseurs de la patrie morts à la journée de Marengo" (Napoleon, emperor of the French and king of Italy, in honour of the shades of the those who died defending their fatherland at the Battle of Marengo). The construction of the pyramid, which was to be set within the context of an ambitious urban project – a "ville des Victoires" (a town of Victories) to the glory of the victories in Italy – was abandoned in 1815 and the column was removed. It was not re-erected until 1922.

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