The Roi de Rome’s birth hits the British press

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Cobbett’s Political Register – Official Papers, March 30, 1811, col. 794-795

Birth of Young Napoleon

Amsterdam, March 22, 1811. – His Serene Highness, Prince Arch Chancellor of the Empire, the Duke of Plaisance, Governor General of the departments of Holland, has just received the following dispatch:-

Telegraphic Dispatch from Paris, March 20, 1811
“Her Majesty the Empress of the French, was safely delivered of a Prince, at Nine o’clock this morning.

“A true copy.

“Flogon, Director of the Telegraph

The cannon has just announced this interesting event to the inhabitants of this town
Amsterdam Courier Extraordinary, March 22.

Paris March 20.- « Her majesty the Empress began yesterday evening towards eight o’clock to suffer the pains of childbirth, which grew less during the night, and in the morning had nearly ceased. Her Majesty, in other respects is well.


“Corvesait [sic], First Physician”

20th March, 6 o’clock in the Morning.
The two following bulletins, concerning the state of her Imperial Majesty and the young Prince, arrived too late to be inserted in all our impressions yesterday, we now repeat them.

Telegraph – Line from the North
Telegraphic dispatch from Paris at half past eleven o’clock, the 22d March, 1811.
“Her Majesty and the young Prince are well; the Prince yesterday began to take with avidity nourishment from his Nurse.- (A true copy)

“Flogon, Director of the Telegraph
(Amsterdam Courier, 25th March, 1811)

In order to worthily celebrate the birth of an imperial Prince, there was last night a general illumination here, in which the inhabitants of this town endeavoured to distinguish themselves as much as the shortness of the time would allow. The palace of his Serene Highness the Prince Governor General was illuminated with the greatest taste and magnificence; the hotels, principal public functionaries, and most respectable individuals presented everything they were able to prepare in haste. All the theatres gave free admissions. The beauty of the weather, the decent joy which animated an immense concourse of people who were in the streets, rendered this spectacle the most touching.- Today there was a grand parade; after the parade, a most brilliant one, at which the three corps of the Guards of Honour manoeuvred with the National Guard, his Serene Highness the Prince Governor gave a grand dinner. In the evening there was a rout and ball at the Palace. The greatest joy prevailed at the dinner and ball. (Same paper.)

This document forms part of the close-up on: the birth of the Roi de Rome.

Publication Title :
Official Papers
Page numbers :
Month of Publication :
30 March
Year of publication :
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