MONNIER, Jean-Charles

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MONNIER, Jean-Charles

Fact file

Born Cavaillon (Vaucluse), 22 March, 1758, died Paris, 30 January, 1816
Sous-lieutenant in the 7e regiment d'infanterie (ex-Régiment de Champagne), 1 July 1792.
Adjoint aux adjudants généraux of the Armée de l'Intérieur, 30 October, 1792
Adjoint aux adjudants généraux of the Armée de l'Italie, 3 February, 1793
Provisional adjudant général chef de bataillon of the division La Poype, 9 July, 1793
Chef d'état major of the Division Masséna, 4 April, 1794, distinguishing himself at Saorgio, 30 April
Adjudant général chef de brigade, 10 February, 1795
Served at Loano, 24 November, 1795
Chef d'état-major of the Division Meynier, end of March, 1796
Appointed Général de Brigade provisoire by Bonaparte, 23 April, 1796 (fought with the Division Masséna)
Distinguished himself at Lodi (10 May, 1796) and Rivoli (14 January, 1797)
Appointed again Général de Brigade provisoire by Bonaparte, 17 January, 1797 (finally confirmed by the Directory 23 May, 1797)
Served with the Division Masséna at the crossing of the Tagliamento (16 March, 1797) and at the taking of Gradisca (19 March, 1797)
Commandant of the 10e Brigade (33e and 85e de la ligne of the 5e Division (Joubert)) of the Armée d'Italie, 14 June, 1797
Commandant of Ancona and the Italian départements of Tronto, Musone and Metauro, November, 1797
Appointed to the Armée d'angleterre, 12 January, 1798
Joined the Division Casabianca in the Armée de Rome, November 1798
Took Cività di Tronto, 8 December, 1798
Took part in the taking of Pescara, 24 December, 1797
Wounded in the shoulder during an attack on Naples, 21 January, 1798
Took Ascoli by storm, 1 June, 1798 (but failed to take Pesaro)
Withstood the siege of Ancona (18 May to 17 November 1798)
Returned to France as part of an honourable capitulation
Général de division, 6 March, 1800
Commandant of the Légions Italiennes at Dijon, 12 March, 1800
Commandant of the 6e division of the Armée de Reserve (replacement for Gardanne), 14 May, 1800
Served at the crossing of the river Ticino at Turbigo, 31 May, 1800
Present at the taking of Milan, 2 June, 1800
Commandant of a division under Desaix, 11 June, 1800
At the battle of Marengo, 14 June, 1800
Commandant of the 1er division of the right wing of the Armée d'Italie under Michaud, 5 July, 1800
Commandant of the 1er division of the corps de Dupont of the Armée d'Italie, 28 August, 1800
Commandant in Bologna, October 1800
Commandant in Tuscany
Took Arezzo by storm, 19 October, 1800
Served at Pozzolo, 25 December, 1800
Took Verona, 17 January, 1801
Commandant of a division of the Armée du Midi under Murat during the Ancona Expedition, end of January, 1801
Put into 'traitment de réforme' for his hostility to Bonaparte, 13 September, 1803
Retired 7 July, 1811
Returned to service, 12 June, 1814
Commandeur of the Légion d'Honneur, 23 August, 1814
Comte, 30 December, 1814
Retired again, 22 February, 1815
Served against Napoleon under the orders of the Duc d'Angoulême, 6 March – 10 April, 1815
Fought at the Combat de Loriol, 2 April, 1815
Occupied Romans, 3 April, 1815
His title was removed and he was struck off the list of cadres by Napoleon, 10 April, 1815
Pair de France during the Second Restoration, 17 August, 1815
Re-instituted to his rank of Lieutenant Général
Retired, 18 October, 1815
Voted for death in the trial of Ney
An efficient soldier whose career was ruined by his dislike of Bonaparte.

Further reading

J. Tranié, J.-C. Carmigniani, Napoléon Bonaparte. La deuxième campagne d'Italie, 1800, Paris : Ed. Pygmalion / G. Watelet, 1991

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