Georg von Pirch, known as von Pirch I, was commander of the 2nd Corps. He was the elder of two brothers who fought in the 1815 campaign. The other, General von Pirch II, commanded the 2nd Brigade in Zieten’s 1st Corps. Georg von Pirch I first fought in the War of Bavarian Succession (1778-9) and in the occupation of Holland in 1787. After the Battle of Jena in 1806, he was held as a prisoner of war in France and returned home in 1808. Pirch I replaced von Borstell as head of Blücher’s 2nd Corps between May and June 1815 (von Borstell had been removed because of the rebellions, court marshals and shootings of the Saxon soldiers).
Pirch I, Generalmajor Georg Dubislav Ludwig von (1763-1838)
Generalmajor Georg Dubislav Ludwig von Pirch I (1763-1838)