“France before the 18 Brumaire An VIII: grieved, devoid of everything, driven by despair and discord, it is revived by hope and handed over by Bonaparte into the hands of peace”

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“France before the 18 Brumaire An VIII: grieved, devoid of everything, driven by despair and discord, it is revived by hope and handed over by Bonaparte into the hands of peace”
La France avant le 18 brumaire de l'an VIII : eplorée, denuée de tout,
entrainée par le desespoir et la discorde, elle est ranimée par l'esperance et remise par Bonaparte entre les mains de la paix.
Le tems trace cet heureux jour dans les fastes de l'histoire © BnF

Published in 1800, this allegorical print tends to glorify the new position of General Bonaparte, who became the First Consul of the French Republic at the end of the coup d’état of 18 and 19 Brumaire. It suggests the internal and external unrest of the Executive Board was followed by the order and hope embodied in Napoleon Bonaparte.

Date :
Technique :
ink paint paper
Place held :
Bibliothèque nationale de France
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