Maréchal Louis-Gabriel Suchet, duc d’Albufera (1770-1826)

Artist(s) : LOPEZ Vincente
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Maréchal Louis-Gabriel Suchet, duc d’Albufera (1770-1826)

Suchet was promoted to Lieutenant-colonel by the Ardèche volunteers in 1793. Brigadier chief in 1797 then Brigadier general in 1798, Division General and Joubert's Chief of Staff for the armée d'Italie in 1799, he became commander in chief of this army on Joubert's death. Inspecteur général of the infantry, he served under Lannes and Masséna. Made comte de l'Empire in 1808, head of the armée d'Aragon, he was granted the title duc d'Albufera in reward for his merits. He became a Maréchal de France on 8 July 1811, and was elevated to the rank of pair de France in 1814.

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Salon de Provence, château de l'Emperi, musée de l'Armée
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