Educated at the Châlons artillery school, Marmont became Bonaparte's aide-de-camp in 1796 and took part in the campaigns of Italy and of Egypt. A Conseiller d'Etat after the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire, he was promoted to Division General in 1800 and premier inspecteur d'artillerie in 1802. Governor of Dalmatia, elevated to maréchal d'Empire on 12 July 1809, he was sent to Spain 1811 and was wounded at Arapiles. After the campaigns of Saxe and of France, he negociated the surrender. Made pair de France by Louis XVIII, Marmont followed the King to Gand during the Cent-Jours and then, during the second Restoration, became Minister of State in 1817 and gouverneur de Paris from 1821 to 1830. He took himself off into exile after 1830.