Napoleon’s coffin on the deck of “Belle-Poule”, 16 October 1840

Artist(s) : DE ROHAN-CHABOT Philippe-Ferdinand-Auguste
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Le cercueil de Napoléon sur le pont de la Belle-Poule (Napoleon’s coffin on the deck of Belle- Poule) PHILIPPE-FERDINAND-AUGUSTE DE ROHAN-CHABOT, COUNT DE JARNAC

The Comte de Rohan-Chabot, Commissioner put in charge of the St-Helena mission by the King, was also responsible for its diplomatic success. In his sketch we can see the deck of Belle-Poule as it was on 16 October. After mass, at 10am, the coffin was lowered into the steerage where a chapel of rest had been built.

Napoleon’s coffin on the deck of “Belle-Poule”, 16 October 1840
Date :
Technique :
gouache and watercolour highlights on paper glued on board and wood
Place held :
Fondation Josée et René de Chambrun, Paris.
Photo credit :
photo Fondation Napoléon / Rebecca Young
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