The Roi de Rome and the helmet of Mars

Artist(s) : ISABEY Jean-Baptiste
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The Roi de Rome and the helmet of Mars

This watercolour depicts the heir to the imperial throne (born on 20 March, 1811) in his cradle, his head resting in the helmet of Mars, the Roman god of war. Napoleon took this painting to St Helena. It returned to Malmaison with Comte Marchand, the grandson of Napoleon's principal man servant.
Find out more about Napoleon's heir in our close-up on: the birth of the Roi de Rome.

Date :
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Dimensions :
H = 21.5 cm, L = 26.5 cm
Place held :
Rueil-Malmaison, musée national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau.
Photo credit :
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