Reviews of the BFI’s remastered version of “Napoleon” by Abel Gance with score by Andrew Davis

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Reviews of the BFI’s remastered version of “Napoleon” by Abel Gance with score by Andrew Davis

Radio “Napoleon and I” (28 minutes)
Film historian Kevin Brownlow tells Francine Stock about his 50-year quest to restore Abel Gance’s silent masterpiece “Napoléon” to its five-and-half-hour glory, and why the search for missing scenes still continues even though the film is about to be released on DVD for the very first time. Composer Carl Davis takes us through his score, which borrows freely from the work of Beethoven, who dedicated his 3rd Symphony to Napoleon, only to regret it later.

Two reviews in The Guardian
by Peter Bradshaw
by Wendy Ide

Review by Jordan Adcock in Ciné Vue

Review by Jacob Osbourne in Varsity

Review in Italian by Stefano Barbacini in DY’s News

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