La revue Napoléon, no. 8, November 2001

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La Revue Napoléon, October, November, December 1801
Chronological table, p. 2
'Historic context', by Jean Tranié, p. 3
'Napoleonic Italy, Part 3: The Lyon Council, December 25, 1801 to January 26, 1802', by Marziano Brignoli, pp. 4-8
'Opposition to the Consulate', by Thierry Lentz, pp. 9-14
'Charles-François Lebrun (1739-1824)', by Thierry Lentz, pp. 15-20
'The Consular administration in Belgium', by¨Patrick Maes, pp. 21-27
The Planning of the Saint-Domingue Expedition', by Vincent Rolin, pp. 28-35
'The Battle of Marengo by General-baron Lejeune', by Jérémie Benoît, pp. 36-41
'Duellists', by Philippe Lamarque, pp. 42-46
'Napoleon and the Louvre Palace', by Georges Poisson, pp. 47-53
'General Moncey's appointment as first Inspector General of the Gendarmerie (December 3, 1801)', Antoine Boulant, pp. 54-58
'The 1801-1802 Uprising in Guadeloupe', by Jean Martin, pp. 59-64
'The London peace preliminaries', by Michel Kerautret, pp. 65-71
'Napoleon's tactical methods and strategy (part one)', by Jean Tranié, pp. 72-75
'Uniforms: Polish Troops in Italy, Part Two: Historical background, organisational structure and uniforms of the new units (1800-1806)', by Frédéric Berjaud, pp. 76-83
'Memoire of Lieutenant Chevalier (1780-1865), by Jean Tranié, pp. 84-85
'Napoleon Bonaparte's Correspondence, October-November-December 1801, selected by Sylvain Sick, pp. 86-88
La Revue Napoléon, International Edition, Napoleon LLC
900 Murmansk Street
Suite 5
Oakland CA 94607

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