L’Histoire, special issue on the end of the First Empire, n° 401

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In commemoration of the fall of the First Napoleonic Empire two hundred years ago, L'Histoire, a leading French historical periodical, has collaborated with the Fondation Napoléon to produce a special edition, dedicated to the period from Napoleon's first abdication until his exile to the island of Saint Helena.
Articles include:
1. Faux départ (mars 1814-mars 1815)
– “Les Russes sont à Paris!”, by Marie-Pierre Rey
– “Treize jours pour abdiquer”, by Olivier Varlan
– “Que faire à l'île d'Elbe”, by Pierre Branda
– “Le retour des Bourbons”, by Francis Démier
– “Quarante-quatre départements perdus”, by Aurélien Lignereux
2. Trois mois qui font Cent-Jours
– “Il revient ! Qu'en pensent les français?”, by Aurélien Lignereux
– “Napoléon joue son va-tout”, by Thierry Lentz
– “Le bal des girouettes”, by Pierre Serna
– “Pourquoi il a perdu à Waterloo”, by Béatrice Heuser
– “La chute d'un géant”, by Patrice Gueniffey
3. Quinze ans pour rien?
– “Dernier bateau pour Sainte-Hélène”, by Thierry Lentz
– “La gloire de Talleyrand”, by Laurent Theis
– “Le congrès de Vienne. L'Europe sans Napoléon”, by Gilles Ferragu
– “La France orpheline”, by Natalie Petiteau
– “La légende increvable”, by Sudhir Hazareesingh
– “Débat: un syndrome français”, by Lionel Jospin, Jean Tulard and Michel Winock
More details can be found on the L'Histoire website.

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