RNR, Rivista Napoleonica Revue Napoléonienne Napoleonic Review, 2/2001

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'Play, Society and cultures in Europe and Italy between the 18th and 19th centuries', ed. Paolo Bianchi and Andrea Merlotti
The historiographical problems
P. Bianchi, A. Merlotti 'Play, Society and cultures in Europe and Italy between the 18th and 19th centuries; research directions, by way of an introduction' (in Italian), pp. 11-26
– S. Hughes, 'Deadly Play. Napoleon, Dueling and the Rearmament of Honor in Italy', pp. 27-60
– P. Bianchi, '”Disciplina d'attachi e difese”. War metaphors and chess in 17th- and 18th-century military culture' (in Italian), pp. 61-92
– D. Brailsford, 'Sport and War 1790-1815. The view from the island', pp. 93-106
– A. Merlotti, 'The game of 'Pallone al bracciale' in Piedmont during the 18th and 19th centuries; games and 'upper class' education' (in Italian), pp. 107-140
– A. Addobbati, 'The game of 'Pallon grosso' in Tuscany during the 18th and 19th centuries; 'from an 'upper class' game to a public spectacle' (in Italian), pp. 141-166
– F. De Pieri, 'The architecture of the Spheristeria in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century' (in Italian), pp. 167-188
Reviews by:
B. A. Raviola, G. P. Romagnani, A. Di Biasio, G. Crillo, L. Di Stadio,
P. Palumbo, D. Hollins, P. Hicks
Museums, exhibitions, events
Ed. G. Gorgone
– Communique by the Fondation Napoleon – The Correspondance Project
– Forum Marengo 2000
The Web site of the European Network of Napoleonic Sites
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