The Defender – British Militia and Volunteer Study Group, Napoleonic Association
`Nelson takes command', p. 1
`The King's pardon', p. 2
`Norfolk Volunteers 1806' p. 3
`The Islington Volunteers (part 2)', by Kevin A. Smith, pp. 4-5
`Martellos', p. 5
'Cleaning materials', p.5
Book review 'Invasion' (Dan Cruikshank), p. 6
Inns of Court and City Yeomanry Museum, p. 6
Attempted sabotage (London Gazette of 1803), p. 6
To join the Napoleonic Association research group, learn about its activities (events planned for July,
August and October) or simply to receive the newsletter The Defender, contact: Keith Oliver, 6 Lobelia Court, Jasmine Grove, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 8BW,