'Developments on Nelson's Island, Aboukir Bay', by Nick Slope, pp.
'Nelson and the Hamiltons on tour, day-by-day, 21 July – 5 September,
1802' by Edward Gill (1987), pp. 730-733
'Retracing Nelson's steps in Oxford', by Frank Pond, pp. 735-738
'Horatio's holiday', by Trevor Fishlock, pp. 739-744
'Nelson in Birmingham, 1802', by Mark Barrett, pp. 750-758
'Nelson in Warnemuende Roads, 1801', by Thomas Blümel, 762-772
From the archives
'A Nelson church service', from The Times, 18 October, 1905, pp. 747
'Collingwood's Funeral Procession', Greenwich Hospital & Royal United
Service Museum, by E. Fraser, 1910, p. 759
'A Statuary of the First Eminence', from The Gentleman's Magazine, May
1812, p. 760
'A letter to Nelson from an old friend', introduced by Victor Sharman,
'A Portsmouth naval slop-seller's sign, from A Tour through the South
of England, by E. D. CLarke 1791, p. 777