Book on Thibaudeau, “the last survivor of the Convention”

Author(s) : THIBAUDEAU Antoine-Claire
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Lawyer in the last years of the Ancien Régime, Antoine-Claire Thibaudeau (1765-1854) took part in the creation of the Club des Jacobins and was elected to the Convention where he was particularly active (Président of the Assemblée in 1795, member of the commission charged with drawing up the Constitution de l’An III). The Coup d’Etat of Fructidor was to remove him from the political limelight, until 1800 when Bonaparte nominated him préfet, and subsequently Conseiller d’Etat in September 1800. Since his Revolutionary stance was unpalatable to Bonaparte he was nominated as head of the most ‘difficult’ préfecture, Bouches-du-Rhône. The end of the empire brought an end to Thibaudeau’s political career, and he then dedicated himself to writing his Mémoires sur la Révolution (1824), Mémoires sur le Consulat (1827) and a Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire in 10 volumes (published in 1875).Th. Rouchette: Le dernier des régicides: Antoine-Claire Thibaudeau (1765-1854)

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La Roche-sur-Yon: Centre vendéen de Recherches historiques (Société d'émulation de la Vendée, 14 rue Haxo, 85000 La Roche-sur-Yon)
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