Koning, keizer, admiraal. 1810. De ondergang van het Koninkrijk Holland (in Dutch)

Author(s) : UITTERHOEVE Wilfried
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Koning, keizer, admiraal. 1810. De ondergang van het Koninkrijk Holland (in Dutch)
© Uitgteverij Vantilt

King, emperor, admiral. 1810. The fall of the kingdom of Holland
From the publishers:
“Two hundred years ago, the Emperor Napoleon put an end to the Kingdom of Holland by annexing it to the French Empire. Louis tried to prevent the annexation, as did the Minister Roell and Admiral VerHuell, but all to no avail. French troops overran the borders and finally occupied the last bulwark, Amsterdam. This loss of independence deeply marked the history of the Netherlands. Wilfried Uitterhoeve brings the story to life.”
About the author:
Wilfried Uitterhoeve's most recent book (also published by Vantilt, 2009) is a biography of the doctor, naturalist, topographer, military engineer and minister, Cornelis Krayenhoff 1758-1840.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
Neijmegen: Uitgteverij Vantilt
Number of pages :
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