Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe

Author(s) : EMSLEY Clive
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Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe

A small but perfectly formed reference book for the Napoleonic period. This short volume, edited by Clive Emsley is an exceedingly handy tool which offers:
28 timelines (both international politics and the domestic affairs of the different nations);
lists of rulers and governments of the different powers;
details concerning the départements of the Grande Empire;
information on the economic and military potential of the leading powers;
188 biographies of key figures from the period;
notes on the battles, the coalitions and alliances, the codes, decrees and declarations, and the congresses and treaties;
a glossary of terms;
a bibliography;
and a section concerning maps and genealogical tables.
As the back jacket notes “keeping one's bearings geograhpically, militarily, politically and chronologically in the prevailing turmoil [of 1799-1815] is no easy matter. Although out of print, this book is nevertheless available via 'print on demand'. The perfect vademecum for the Napoleonic enthusiast.
Clive Emsley is Professor of History at the Open University and author of Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth-Century Europe (OUP: 1999).

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
London and New York: Longman
Number of pages :
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