Lyre-guitar. Etoile charmante, between the 18th and 19th centuries

Author(s) : VULPIANI Eleonora
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Lyre-guitar. Etoile charmante, between the 18th and 19th centuries
© Eleonora Vulpiani

This lovingly illustrated and well-researched book, available in Italian and English (translation by Ivo Margherini) details the history of the lyre-guitar, an instrument that experienced great popularity during the late 19th century into the 1820s. Napoleon is known to have offered Empress Marie Luisa an apollo-lyre and Madame de Staël also played the instrument. The book covers the instrument's history, its origins, its development as well as the major composers, musicians and makers. It is also beautifully illustrated, and includes a work by Jean Dominique Ingres of Lucien Bonaparte's family which features a lyre-guitar. A CD of lyre-guitar music performed by Eleonora Vulpiani accompanies the books.

For more information on music of the First and Second Empires, take a look at our Words and Music section.
Click here for Eleonora Vulpiani's website and information on purchasing the books.

Year of publication :
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Eleonora Vulpiani,
Number of pages :
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