Napoleon III: A Life by Fenton Bresler

Author(s) : BRESLER Fenton
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This new biography published by Harper Collins is the first on Napoleon III for twenty years, the last being by David Duff (Collins 1978) and Jasper Ridley (1979). Billed as a ‘popular historical biography in the mould of Christopher Hibbert and Antonia Fraser’, the author claims to bring to light new research and gives a lively treatment of Napoleon III’s lives and notably loves. A trained lawyer and former crime correspondent, Fenton Bresler has written biographies of Georges Simenon and Lord Goddard and books on general legal topics, notably Law without a lawyer on Interpol. This book is the fruit of a lifelong passion on Napoleon III. The work is presented on the Harper Collins website: go to and type ‘bresler’ in the search field. Napoleon III: A Life

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
ISBN 0-00-255787-8 - Price: GBP 24.99
Number of pages :
Hardback, 464pp
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