Marie Walewska’s Memoirs: 3 versions
– Version 1: belonging to the Count Alexandre Colonna-Walewski.
Private collection. English and French versions available online at (English) and at (French).
– Version 2: belonging to the Count d’Ornano and held at the Chateau la Branchoire (Touraine), private collection.
– Version 3: Pamiętnik Marii Walewskiej (Marie Walewska’s memoirs). Przeździeckich Library, Warsaw. Version destroyed during WWII.
According to Marian Brandys, three versions of the memoirs exist because Marie prepared a copy for each one of her three sons.
– Gertrude Aretz, Die Frauen um Napoleon, Munich: G. Müller, 1912. Translated into English by Cedar and Eden Paul as Napoleon and his women friends, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1927.
– Gertrude Aretz, Napoleon und die Gräfin Maria Walewska, Vienna: Bernina-Verlag, [1936]. Italian translation: Napoleone e la Walewska, Milan: Corticelli, 1937.
– Octave Aubry, Le grand amour caché de Napoléon, Marie Walewska, Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1925, republication and translation into Italian (1934) and (1944).
– Françoise de Bernardy, Walewski: le fils polonais de Napoléon, Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 1976.
– Jean-Gustave Binet-Valmer, La vie amoureuse de Marie Walewska: l’épouse polonaise de Napoléon, Paris: E. Flammarion, 1928
– Janine Boissard, Trois Femmes et un Empereur, Paris: Fixot, 1989.
– Pierre Branda, La guerre secrète de Napoléon – Île d’Elbe 1814-1815, Paris: Perrin, 2014, pp. 183-186.
– Marian Brandys, Klopoty z Panią Walewską, Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo ‘Iskry’, 1969. Translated into German by Klaus Stämmler, Maria Walewska: Napoleons grosse Liebe, Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1971.
– Luigi Callari, Maria Walewska. Amore imperiale, Milan: Lucchi, 1938.
– Claude Dufresne, Marie Walewska: l’épouse polonaise de Napoléon Ier, Paris: Pygmalion, 2004.
– Hector Fleischmann, Napoléon adultère, Paris: Méricant, 1909, pp. 174-198.
To read the French version online, click here.
– Wacław Gąsiorowski, Pani Walewska, Lwów: Nakład. Księgarni Polskiej, 1904.
Translated into English by Guy de Savoie-Carignan, comte de Soissons as Napoleon’s love story, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1905.
To read the English version online, click here.
– Général Baron Gourgaud, Journal de Sainte-Hélène 1815-1818, volume I, Paris: Flammarion, 1947, p. 8.
– Robert Heyman, Gräfin Maria Walewska. Ein Liebestraum Napoleons I, Leipzig: Ernst,
– Teresa Luzzato Guerrini, Maria Walewska, Florence: Casa Editrice Nemi, 1931.
– Thierry Lentz, Nouvelle Histoire du Premier Empire: I. Napoléon et la conquête de l’Europe 1804-1810, Paris: Fayard, 2002, pp. 277-280.
– Frédéric Masson, Napoléon et les femmes, Paris : Paul Ollendorff, 1894. Translated into English as Napoleon and the Fair Sex, London: W. Heinemann; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1894, pp. 194-232.
To read the English version online, click here.
– Antoine-Philippe-Rudolphe d’Ornano, The Life and Loves of Marie Walewska, London: Hutchinson, 1935. Translated into French as Marie Walewska: L’épouse polonaise de Napoleon, Paris: Hachette, 1938.
– Giuseppe Pironti, Il grande amore di Maria Walewska, Cosenza: Pellegrini, 1974.
– Jean Savant, L’affaire Marie Walewska. Procès Ornano-Jean Savant, Paris: Floch Mayenne, 1963.
– Christine Sutherland, Maria Walewska: Napoleon’s Great Love, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1979. Translated into French by Françoise de Bernardy, Marie Walewska: Le grand amour de Napoléon, Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 1981.
– Jean Tulard, Dictionnaire Napoléon, Paris: Fayard, 1999, pp. 959-960.
– Emmanuel de Waresquiel, Talleyrand: le prince immobile, Paris: Fayard, 2003, pp. 365-366.
– Doris Wittner, Drei Frauen: Das Liebesleben Napoleons, Leipzig: Grethlein, 1913.
– Andrzej Nieuwazny, “Marie Walewska, la belle Polonaise de Napoléon”, Napoléon Ier, mars-avril 2001, pp. 6-11.
– Krzysztof Żaboklicki, “Maria Walewska, ‘l’épouse polonaise de Napoléon’: mythe et Réalité”,