Bibliographies : 46
Bibliography / VariaJacques Jourquin, writer and historian (1935-2021)Writer, historian, publisher, entrepreneur and driving force within the Napoleonic world for half a century, Jacques Jourquin died on November 14th. His youthful looks (before his illness) belied his 86 years, and indeed given his tireless activity he could easily have been mistaken for someone…
Bibliography18 Brumaire: A Bibliography of works in English, November 2019
Anon. [but Michaud, Joseph François], France, after the Revolution of Bonaparte, on the Eighth of November, 1799, Hastily translated from a French Pamphlet, entitled ‘Les adieux à Bonaparte’, London: J. WRIGHT, Piccadilly, 1800, online here Bainville, Jacques, Napoleon, (trans. Hamish Miles), Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1933, “Brumaire” Bonaparte, Lucien, Memoirs of the Private and […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireMarie Walewska
Memoirs Marie Walewska’s Memoirs: 3 versions – Version 1: belonging to the Count Alexandre Colonna-Walewski. Private collection. English and French versions available online at (English) and at (French). – Version 2: belonging to the Count d’Ornano and held at the Chateau la Branchoire (Touraine), private collection. – Version 3: Pamiętnik Marii Walewskiej (Marie […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Mexican campaign, 1862-1867
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: the Mexican campaign, 1862-1867. History Arturo Arnaiz y Freg, Claude Bataillon, La intervenecion francesa y el imperio de Maximiliano, Asociacion Mexicana de historiadores/Institut français d’Amérique latine, 1965 Jean Avenel, La campagne de Mexique : 1862-1867 : la fin de l’hégémonie européenne en Amérique du Nord, Paris: Economica, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Roi de Rome
This bibliography is part of our close-up on: the birth of the Roi de Rome. All links are external. Articles Aubry, Octave, “Le Roi de Rome”, in Revue de études napoléoniennes [35] XXIe année, Tome XXXV, juil.-déc. 1932, pp. 409-411 Chailloux, David, “La naissance du roi de Rome et sa représentation à l’Académie impériale de […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Franco-British expedition to China, 1860
Articles RINGMAR, Erik, “Liberal Barbarism and the Oriental Sublime: The European Destruction of the Emperor’s Summer Palace”, in Millennium 34, no. 3, 2006, pp. 917-33 (external link) Monographs BEECHING, Jack, The Chinese Opium Wars, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975 BONNER-SMITH, D., LUMBY, E. W. R. (eds.), The Second China War, 1856-1860, Westport, Conn: Hyperion Press, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe marriage of Napoleon I and Marie-Louise of Austria
In French Ceremony descriptions (all links are external and in French) Percier, Charles, & Fontaine, P. F. L., “Description des cérémonies et des fêtes qui ont eu lieu pour le mariage de S.M. l’empereur Napoléon avec S.A.I. madame l’archiduchesse Marie-Louise d’Autriche”, P. Didot l’Aîné, 1810 Baltard, Louis-Pierre (drawings), “Fêtes du mariage de Napoléon et de […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNapoleon’s "divorce"
There is yet to be any detailed English language treatment of the complicated history of Napoleon’s annulled marriage. The key work remains Louis Grégoire’s Le « Divorce » de Napoléon et de l’Impératrice Joséphine, an exceptionally thorough study of the annulment process from a canonic law perspective. Monographs D’Haussonville, Comte, L’Eglise romaine et le Premier Empire, 1800-1814, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Battle of Wagram, 4-6 July, 1809
Books in English Ian Castle, Aspern & Wagram 1809: Mighty Clash of Empires, Osprey Publishing, 1994 Vincent J. Esposito & John R. Elting, A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars, London: Greenhill Books, 1999 Gunther E. Rothenberg, Napoleon’s great adversary: archiduke Charles and the Austrian army, 1792-1814, Chalford (GB): Spellmount, 2007 Articles in […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Battles of Magenta and Solferino, 1859
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: the Battles of Magenta and Solferino, 1859. History of the Campaign of 1859 A. Blumberg, A carefully planned accident: The Italian war of 1859, London 1990 D. Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi: A Study in Political Conflict, Cambridge 1985 (second ed.) P. Turnbull, Solferino: The Birth of […]