New York

Period : Directory / 1st Empire
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To find out more about

New York and Napoleon

James David Draper, The Arts under Napoleon, works selected from the Metropolitan Museum of Art holdings and other New York collections, 1978.
The Age of Napoleon, costume from Revolution to Empire 1789-1815, The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1989.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guide, works of art selected by Philippe de Montebello, Director, 2nd edition, the Metropolitan Museum of Art/Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1994.

The city of New York

Some guides to the Big Apple:
Eleanor Berman, New York (Serial), Eyewitness Travel Guides, Eyewitness Travel Guides, Dorling-Kindersley, 1993.
Michelin Green Guide New York City (12th Ed.), Michelin Travel Publications, 1997.
André Gayot, Sharon Boorstin, Edward Giuliano, The Best of New York (6th Ed.), Gault-Millau, 1997
Marilyn Wood, Frommer’s Wonderful Weekends: New York City, Frommer, 1996.
David Doty, Cynthia Baker, Suzy Gershman, Frommer’s New York City 98, Frommer, 1997
Rainer Eisenschmid, Karl Baedeker, Jarrold Baedeker, Baedeker’s New York (Baedeker’s City Guides), Baedeker’s guides, 1996

New York in literature

Edith Warthon, The Age of Innocence, Cambridge University Press, 1996 [1920]. Seduction and pathos in 19th century New York society.
Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy: City of glass, Ghosts, The Locked room. Penguin USA, 1994. A fundamental look at the human condition mixed with a thriller; a keen view of New York and its inhabitants.
See also: Smoke, a film based on the short story by Paul Auster with Forrest Whitaker, William Hurt and Harvey Keitel.

New York as it really is

Thomas Bender, New York Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in New York City, from 1750 to the beginnings of our own time, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988
Eric Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York: a visual celebration of nearly 400 years of New York City, Henry Holt and Co., 1994. (a chronology, illustrations, photos, drawings)
Our Town: images and stories from the Museum of the city of New York, Museum of the city of New York, November 1997.
Louis Stettner, Louis Stettner’s New York, 1950’s to 1990’s, introduction by Barbara Einzig, Rizzoli International Publ., 1997.

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