The Battle of Trafalgar (21 October, 1805)

Period : Directory / 1st Empire
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The works selected here have been chosen because of their accessibility. They are arranged in order of publication date, most recent to oldest; those with a link have been featured on our Just Published pages:

Documents and eyewitness accounts

– WARWICK, Peter, Voices from the Battle of Trafalgar, London: David & Charles, 2005, p. 320
Trafalgar et la marine du Premier Empire, Paris : Librairie historique F. Teissèdre, 2001, 157 p. – (coll. Bicentenaire de l’épopée impériale)

Works in English

– ADKINS Roy, Trafalgar: the biography of a battle
– M. Adkins, The Trafalgar companion: a guide to history’s most famous sea battle and the life of Admiral Lord Nelson, London: Aurum, 2005, 560 p
– BENNETT Geoffrey, The Battle of Trafalgar
– FRASER Edward, The Enemy at Trafalgar (new introduction by Marianne Czisnik and Michael Nash)
– LAVERY Brian, Nelson’s Fleet at Trafalgar
– SCHOM, Alan, Trafalgar: Countdown to battle: 1803-1805, New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, Xv-421 p.
– WARNER, O., Trafalgar, London: Batsford, 1959, 184 p.
– CORBETT, J. S., [The] Campaign of Trafalgar, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1910, XVI-473 p.

Works in French

– R. Monaque, Trafalgar, Paris : Editions Tallandier, 2005
– A. Pons, Nelson contre Napoléon. D’Aboukir à Trafalgar, Paris, Perrin, 2005, 295 p.
– M. Battesti, Trafalgar. Les aléas de la stratégie navale de Napoléon, Paris : Napoléon Ier Editions, 2004, 379 p.
– G. Fleury, Nelson, le héros absolu : l’amiral et l’oiseau, Paris : Flammarion, 2000, 450 p.
– R. Monaque, Latouche-Tréville, 1754-1804 : l’amiral qui défiait Nelson, Paris : SPM, 2000, 659 p
– R. Maine, Trafalgar : le Waterloo naval de Napoléon, Paris : Hachette, 1955, 271 p.
– A. Thomazi, Trafalgar, Paris : Payot, 1932, 199 p.
– Édouard Desbrière, La campagne maritime de 1805 : Trafalgar, Paris : R. Chapelot et Cie, 1907
– [Albert Malo. Le ]Centenaire de Trafalgar, 1805-1905. – Senlis : Impr. administrative et commerciale, 1905, 14 p.
– J. Méry, Trafalgar, Paris, G. Roux et Cassanet : 1852-1853, 4 vol.

Works in Spanish
– J. I. González-Aller Hierro, La Campaña de Trafalgar (1804-1805): corpus documental conservado en los archivos españoles, Madrid : Ministerio de Defensa,
Secretaría General Técnica, 2004, 2 vol. (1814 p.)
– A. Guimerá, A. Ramos, G. Butrón (coords.), Trafalgar y el mundo atlántico, Madrid : Marcial Pons Historia, 2004, 398 p.
– J. G. Cayuela Fernández, A. A. Pozuelo Reina, Trafalgar, hombres y naves entre dos épocas, Barcelona, Ariel : 2004, 705 p.
– P. Alcalá Galiano, El combate de Trafalgar, Madrid : Instituto de historia y Cultura Naval, 2003, 2 vol.

– Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Cabo Trafalgar: un relato naval, Madrid : Alfaguara, 2005, 269 p.
– J.M. Chanard, Trafalgar, poème en 9 chants, suivi d’un Hommage à la marine ainsi qu’à l’armée de terre. – Toulon, Fleury : 1847, XV-112 p.
– H. Newbolt, The year of Trafalgar being an account of the battle and of the events which led up to it, with a collection of the poems and ballads written thereupon
between 1805 and 1905
, London : J. Murray, 1905, 244 p.
– Laurence Hynes Halloran, [The] Battle of Trafalgar, a poem, London, R. White, 1806, 130 p.

Authors: Peter Hicks, Irène Delage, Chantal Lheureux-Prévot, October 2005

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