In pictures : 1035
In picturesLaw of 19 Brumaire, year VIII printed in Agen and posted in Lot-et-Garonne region of France
This proclamation, written the night after the coup d’état of 18 and 19 Brumaire, An VIII (9 and 10 November 1799), was sent to all departments of the Republic. In this document, reporting on all the events that led to the fall of the Directoire, the new executive (composed of Ducos, Sieyès and Bonaparte) sets […]
In pictures“France before the 18 Brumaire An VIII: grieved, devoid of everything, driven by despair and discord, it is revived by hope and handed over by Bonaparte into the hands of peace”
Published in 1800, this allegorical print tends to glorify the new position of General Bonaparte, who became the First Consul of the French Republic at the end of the coup d’état of 18 and 19 Brumaire. It suggests the internal and external unrest of the Executive Board was followed by the order and hope embodied […]
In picturesThe Peterloo Massacre, 16 August 1819
Richard Carlile (1790–1843) The text reads: To Henry Hunt, Esq., as chairman of the meeting assembled in St. Peter’s Field, Manchester, sixteenth day of August, 1819, and to the female Reformers of Manchester and the adjacent towns who were exposed to and suffered from the wanton and fiendish attack made on them by that brutal […]
In picturesThe Prince Imperial, summer 1856, photographed by Gustave Le Gray
Red wet stamp at the bottom left. Acquired in 1996, by the Bibliothèque nationale de France. This portrait was probably made for the painter Thomas Couture (1815-1879), who had been commissioned to carry out a large format staging of the baptism of the heir to the Napoleonic throne, and for whom Le Gray also made several […]
In picturesNapoleon re-establishes the Jewish cult in France, 30 May 1806
In picturesNapoleon and Pope Pius VII at Fontainebleau in 1813
See this image in HD The Scottish artist David Wilkie (1785-1841) painted this picture after a visit to mainland Europe. It depicts the intense perod of discussions held between the Emperor and Pius VII during the latter’s house arrest at the Chateau de Fontainebleau, after which the Pontif agreed, on 25 January 1813, to sign a […]
In picturesFirst page of the Sénatus-consulte organique du 28 floréal an XII (18 May 1804)
In picturesNapoleon III Hands Baron Haussmann the Decree Annexing the Parisian Suburban Communes
This image represents a painting which was made to replace another one by Yvon, which did not please, on the same theme, commissioned by the Paris City council to commemorate the event. After this one was lost in 1871, the first painting became the official version known today.
In picturesGrand-maréchal Bertrand weeping over Napoleon’s body
In picturesClock: Love guided by Fidelity
The exceptional quality of the bronze work transforms this pendulum into a sculpture. The choice of the imagery of a pendulum to decorated one’s home reflected the moral virtues, even a political ideology of its owner. The mythological or historical allegory dominated and often served the imperial propaganda. This “Love guided by Fidelity” is a model that […]