The major reforms of the Consulate and the Empire (August 2010)

Many of the reforms introduced during the Consulate and Empire periods survive today in their respective modern-day French institutions. All the answers can be found in the numerous articles and timelines located in our History of the Two Empires section (I.D., tr. H.D.W.).

  1. When was the Code Civil promulgated?

  2. The Code Civil, drawn up by Portalis, Tronchet, Maleville and Bigot de Préameneu, is famous for its concision and clarity. It was made up of:

  3. Which of these phrases is (or are) correct? (several choices available)

  4. Created on 19 May, 1802, the Order of the Legion of Honour is presented to:

  5. The law of 14 April, 1803 awarded the Banque de France (created on 18 February, 1800) the monopoly to:

  6. The Germinal Franc, named after the law of 7 Gérminal An XI (27 March, 1803), brought great economic stability to the means of exchange in France. Why?

  7. In 1806, the Finance Minister, Martin Michel Charles Gaudin, requested that the canons captured during the Battle of Austerlitz be melted down to be made into the machines needed to mint the Germinal Franc. Napoleon:

  8. The Conseil d'Etat, re-established by the 13 December 1799 constitution, was composed of thirty to forty councillors charged with:

  9. A decree issued on 19 Germinal An XI (9 April, 1803) created the post of Conseil d'Etat auditor, charged with the preparation of projects in order to assist the council in its work. During the Empire, one of France's great writers was present in their ranks. Who was it?

  10. The Université impériale held a monopoly over public (i.e. state) secular education. It was created on:

  11. Up until their abolition in 1789, intendants held far-reaching powers concerning "justice, police and finance" in the "généralités" (domains) that they controlled. Napoleon's law of 28 Pluviôse An VIII created the post of prefect, charged with the application of law in the département to which he was named. Napoleon nicknamed them:

  12. The post of prefect covered a large number of duties, including: (several choices available)