External websites : 27
External websitesThe McGill University Napoleon Collection
Napoleonic database with extensive image collection online of the Napoleon collection at McGill University, Canada
Language(s) : English and French -
External websitesBritish Library Images Online
64 images of Napoleon online. Type 'Napoleon' in the search box and enjoy!
Language(s) : English -
External websitesThe British Cartoon Prints – Library of Congress
The approximately ten thousand cartoons in the British Cartoon Collection at the Library of Congress date largely from the period 1780 to 1830, an era dominated by the prodigious talents and prolific efforts of such famous caricaturists as James Gillray and George Cruikshank. The cartoons highlight aspects of British political life, including tensions with its […]
Language(s) : English -
External websitesHeber Mardon Collection of Napoleonic prints
Catalogue of Napoleonic prints held in a public archive in Devon, UK.
Language(s) : English -
External websitesNapoleonic Satires, a Brown University Library Digital Collection
These digitized prints of Napoleonic satires come from the Anne S. K. Brown Military collection of the John Hay Library, the military collection bequeathed by Ms. Brown, Paul Revere Bullard (Class of 1897) and items contibuted by William H. Hoffman. Considered with other forms of military memorabilia, satiric prints serve as a reminder that printed […]
Language(s) : English -
External websitesChartist ancestors
Web site listing all those who signed up to the great Chartist petitions of 1839-1848
Language(s) : English -
External websitesThe Hugo Pages
A one-stop-shop for Victor Hugo – includes texts in French and English of his works
Language(s) : English/French -
External websitesNapoleonicmedals.org
A website with details concerning Napoleonic medals, coins, paper money, books and prints, all in the collection of the enthusiast, Vern McCrea.
Language(s) : English -
External websitesAustrian Historical Bibliography (Österreichische Historische Bibliographie (ÖHB))
A remarkable database bibliography of history books in German.
Language(s) : German -
External websitesGoethe and his times portal
A wide-ranging database concerning Goethe and his times. Run by a group of scholars from the Ludwig-Maximilians university in Munich. In German.
Language(s) : German