DOYLE William, Napoleon Bonaparte: pocket GIANTS
NESTER William R., Titan: The Art of British Power in the Age of Revolution and Napoleon
EVANS Richard J., The Pursuit of Power: Europe, 1815-1914
BROERS Michael, The Napoleonic Mediterranean: Enlightenment, Revolution and Empire
BLAUFARB Rafe, The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property
DANCOISNE-MARTINEAU Michel, Napoleon and Saint Helena (Volume 1): 1800 – 15 October 1815
CAMIGNANI Juan Carlos, BOUE Gilles, Napoleon and Italy : A military history of Napoleonic Italy 1805-1815
Personalities of the Napoleonic eras
QUATREMERE DE QUINCY Antoine-Chrysostôme, Letters to Miranda and Canova on the Abduction of Antiquities from Rome and Athens
FONTANA Biancamaria, Germaine de Staël: A Political Portrait
ABEL Jonathan, Guibert: Father of Napoleon’s Grande Armée
HOWARD Thomas Albert, The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Age
SPIETH Darius A., Napoleon’s Sorcerers: The Sophisians
WILKIN Bernard, WILKIN Rene, Fighting For Napoleon: French Soldiers’ Letters 1799-1815
DEUTSCH Alexandra, A Woman of Two Worlds: Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte
CROSSLAND Alice Marie, Wellington’s Dearest Georgy
COVILLE Quinton (Ed), WILLIAMS Kate, Emma Hamilton: Seduction and Celebrity
DU PREEZ Michael & DRONFIELD Jeremy, Dr James Barry: A Woman Ahead of Her Time
HELY Ann Ayre, A Crimean War Nurse from Ravenstone, Leicestershire
GARRIC Jean-Philippe (Ed.), Charles Percier: Architecture and Design in an Age of Revolutions
OROPALLO Vito, La veglia di Francesco – Napoleone non fu sepolto a Sant’Elena (in Italian)