In pictures : 1035
In picturesNapoleon’s coffin on the deck of “Belle-Poule”, 16 October 1840Le cercueil de Napoléon sur le pont de la Belle-Poule (Napoleon’s coffin on the deck of Belle- Poule) PHILIPPE-FERDINAND-AUGUSTE DE ROHAN-CHABOT, COUNT DE JARNAC The Comte de Rohan-Chabot, Commissioner put in charge of the St-Helena mission by the King, was also responsible for its diplomatic…
In picturesHandover of the Emperor’s Body to the Prince of Joinville(Remise du corps de l’Empereur au prince de Joinville) AFTER ALPHONSE CHEDEVILLE The transfer of Napoleon’s remains from the possession of Britain to the French nation was a highly symbolic event politically, and therefore the actual hand-over was marked by a ceremony. During the exhumation the…
In picturesNight View of the ExhumationLithograph plate taken from Narrative of Proceedings Connected with the exhumation and Removal of the remains of the late Emperor Napoleon, St Helena, by a resident, printed for the proprietor by William Bateman, 1840, [from a copy held at the Fondation Napoléon’s Bibliothèque Martial Lapeyre.…
In picturesPortrait of Monseigneur Félix CoquereauThe manipulation of the Emperor’s body involved religious considerations. Abbé Coquereau was chosen to accompany the coffin, on the recommendation of the Queen, since the former chaplains of Longwood (Buonavita and Vignali) had died. On his return, Coquereau published Souvenirs du voyage à Sainte Hélène [Memories…
In picturesLast pilgrimage to Napoleon’s tombLast pilgrimage to Napoleon’s tomb, after an original drawing taken on the spot on St Helena 11 October 1840 by ALPHONSE CHEDEVILLE, and belonging to Abbé Coquereau, chaplain attached to the expedition”.
In picturesMeeting of Napoleon and Pope Pius VII in the forest of Fontainebleau, 25 November 1804, Jean-Louis Demarne
On 10 May 1804, Napoleon, who had already been made Emperor by the sénatus-consulte of 28 floréal an XII (18 May 1804) – dit Constitution de l’an XII) received Cardinal Caprara and expressed his desire to be crowned by the Pope. On 10 September he officially invited the pontiff to come and consecrate him at […]
In picturesPortrait of William Balcombe
This portrait of William Balcombe comes from a private collection and was lent to the Napoleonmuseum Thurgau for the temporary exhibition 1821. The end of Napoleon. St Helena, Arenenberg and the birth of a legend (in 2021). On the back, a water stain has unfortunately erased part of the name of the person represented, but […]
In picturesPlan of Longwood: Habitation of the Emperor Napoleon on the Isle of St Helena as it was towards the end of 1816
Click here to see this image in HD. This plan of Longwood is entitled “Habitation de l’Empereur Napoléon à l’Isle S. Hélène telle qu’elle était vers la fin de l’année 1816” [“Habitation of the Emperor Napoleon on the Isle of St Helena as it was towards the end of 1816”]. It is signed: “Napoleon Baciocchi […]
In picturesThe rehearsal for the “Sacre”
Text : Quelques jours avant le Sacre, Napoléon veut qu’Isabey, dessinateur du Cabinet, lui présente en sept aquarelles les phases principales de la Cérémonie pour juger définitivement l’aspect et les places. Isabey, incapable d’exécuter en deux jours un tel travail, achète une centaine de poupées qu’il habille selon les costumes réglés, se munit d’un plan […]
In picturesSketch of bonaparte as laid out on his Austerlitz camp-bed, taken by Captain Marryat, 14 hours after his deceaseGeneral Bertrand in his notes (page 261, Les Cahiers, 6 May 1821) mentions: “At 10 o’clock Mr Ibbetson and the frigate Captain Marryat came to draw the Emperor on his deathbed. It appears Mr Marryat had achieved a fairly good likeness”. Captain Marryat made several…