In pictures : 1035
In picturesPlan of Longwood House in 1821 at the time of Napoleon’s deathPublished in Récits de la captivité de l’empereur Napoléon à Sainte-Hélène. 1847 Tome 2 / by M. le Général Montholon See this image in HD See below for a key to the rooms, and find out what happened there at the time of Napoleon’s death.
In picturesExplanatory sketch of the painting “the death of Napoleon”
This sketch, realised by the artist himself and engraved by Jean-Pierre Jazet, is a key to the identities of some of the people presented in the painting by Steuben (1821), which depicting with as much realism as possible, the moment of Napoleon’s death on 5 May 1821. Indeed, the painter interviewed the companions of Napleon’s captivity on their […]
In picturesView of “Geranium Valley” drawn from life, on 8 [sic] May 1821, at the time of Napoleon’s burial[Napoleon’s burial took place on 9 May 1821 on St Helena, 4 days after his death].
In picturesQueen Hortense at Arenenberg
In 1834 the painter Félix Cottrau painted a portrait of Hortense sitting at her upright piano in the chapel overlooking the lower lake. He shows Charlemagne’s talisman as the clasp of the cloak, well placed, well lit, thus showing Hortense as the mother of the next generation on the throne. She would not live to […]
In picturesTransfer of Napoleon’s mortal remains from the chapel of Saint-Jérôme to the tomb constructed beneath the dome of Les Invalides, 2 April 1861
Illustration from Le Monde illustrée dated 13 April 1861, showing the Emperor Napoleon I’s coffin being carried down to the crypt of Les Invalides on 2 April 1861, as the Imperial family (Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie and the Prince Imperial) looked over the balcony from above. It was published together with an article by Charles YRIARTE […]
In picturesNapoleon drawn from life by an officer on board NorthumberlandPlate from Clement Shorter, Napoleon and his fellow travellers: being a reprint of certain narratives of the voyages of the dethroned Emperor on the Bellerophon and the Northumberland to exile in St. Helena […] published in 1908 A facsimile of this work can be found in…
In picturesImperial decree concerning the feast of Saint Napoleon and that of the re-establishment of the Catholic religion in France (19 February 1806)On 19 February 1806 a decree was issued stating that the feast of Saint Napoleon and that of the re-establishment of the Catholic religion in France would be celebrated throughout the Empire on 15 August, the day of the Assumption, and the moment of the…
In picturesDescriptive sketch of Saint Helena / to accompany Lieut. Read’s geographical plan of the islandThis engraving is part of the Fondation Napoléon’s Digital library where you can find a HD zoomable version. Click here to see a modified version of this map with the key places of exile highlighted, including the situation of Sane Valley, where Napoleon was buried on…
In picturesMarchal Ney, 7 December 1815Marshal Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, Prince of Moskowa (1769-1815) was convicted of high treason for having rallied to Napoleon on his return from the island of Elba in March 1815 (during the Hundred Days). He was executed on 7 December 1815, in Paris, Avenue de…
In picturesNapoleon’s shotgun, signed Jean Le Page (detail)Napoleon was dangerously short-sighted. To read or work, he easily compensated for this handicap with glasses. But when hunting, it was better not to be too close to his rifle. So that he would not miss his target, his servants had to make sure that…