Paintings : 6
PaintingThe Last Cartridges
This painting by Alphonse de Neuville (He was born ‘Deneuville’ and changed his name to ‘de Neuville’ later on)(1835-1885) was revealed to the public in 1873 and became famous overnight. Originally from Saint-Omer, Neuville was a pupil at the École des Mousses de Lorient for a brief spell in his youth before going on to study […]
PaintingThe Field of Waterloo
Napoleon’s final battle has become the stuff of legend. For the British, the memory begins on the evening of 15 June 1815, as Lady Richmond gave a ball in Brussels, sobered by the news of the arrival of the French. The proximity to the battlefield amplified the effect on the civilians. The rapid chain of […]
PaintingThe French Army crossing the Berezina on 28 November 1812
On 19 October, 1812, the Grande Armée left Moscow and began its miserable retreat. A month later, on 25 November, 1812, it arrived at the Berezina river, which barred its progression to the west. Under attack from the Russians, the army escaped destruction thanks to the sacrifice of the pontonniers of general Eblé who constructed […]
PaintingThe Clichy Gate, The Defence of Paris, 30 March 1814
Horace Vernet was a Bonapartist and profoundly patriotic, and he sought to evoke the Napoleonic era in his numerous works, which often have Napoleon as their central figure. Here he not only celebrates the will and the courage of marshal Moncey (1754-1842), a famous military personage, but also anonymous Parisians who rallied to the defence […]
PaintingThe Battle of the Pyramids (detail)
Louis-François Lejeune, who was made a baron de l’Empire in 1810, was a quite extraordinary individual who succeeded in combining a military career with his artistic vocation. He initially studied with Pierre Henri de Valenciennes, a landscape painter, before attending the Ecole royale de peinture in 1789. He subsequently joined the army in 1792, at […]
PaintingGeneral Bonaparte and his chief of staff, General Berthier, at the Battle of Marengo
The victory at Marengo was celebrated in many different works of art, both paintings and sculptures, some commissioned and giving the official propaganda, and others the personal initiative of artists with an eye to the main chance hoping to attract the favourable influence of the victor and new master of France. This huge painting here […]