Bibliographies : 9
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Mexican campaign, 1862-1867
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: the Mexican campaign, 1862-1867. History Arturo Arnaiz y Freg, Claude Bataillon, La intervenecion francesa y el imperio de Maximiliano, Asociacion Mexicana de historiadores/Institut français d’Amérique latine, 1965 Jean Avenel, La campagne de Mexique : 1862-1867 : la fin de l’hégémonie européenne en Amérique du Nord, Paris: Economica, […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Franco-British expedition to China, 1860
Articles RINGMAR, Erik, “Liberal Barbarism and the Oriental Sublime: The European Destruction of the Emperor’s Summer Palace”, in Millennium 34, no. 3, 2006, pp. 917-33 (external link) Monographs BEECHING, Jack, The Chinese Opium Wars, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975 BONNER-SMITH, D., LUMBY, E. W. R. (eds.), The Second China War, 1856-1860, Westport, Conn: Hyperion Press, […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireThe Battles of Magenta and Solferino, 1859
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: the Battles of Magenta and Solferino, 1859. History of the Campaign of 1859 A. Blumberg, A carefully planned accident: The Italian war of 1859, London 1990 D. Mack Smith, Cavour and Garibaldi: A Study in Political Conflict, Cambridge 1985 (second ed.) P. Turnbull, Solferino: The Birth of […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireAbd el-Kader
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireDomaine National du Château de Fontainebleau
Château, museum and collections Books and exhibition catalogues AA.VV, Guide du musée national de Fontainebleau, RMN, 1998 AA.VV, L’Abcdaire du château de Fontainebleau, Paris, Flammarion, 1999 AA.VV, Fontainebleau, special edition of Connaissance des Arts, 1991 Jean-Marie Pérouse de Montclos, Georges Fessy, Fontainebleau, Scala, 1998 (English and French versions available) Colombe Samoyault-Verlet, Jean-Pierre Samoyault, Château de […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireCompiègne
On the château, the museums and the park Marie-Blanche d’Arneville, Parcs et jardins sous le Premier Empire, Paris, Tallandier, 1981 Trois siècles d’art des jardins au château de Compiègne, catalogue of the exhibition organised by ” L’atelier au château “, DRAC Info Picardie, n°26, sept-oct. 1986 Jean-Marie Moulin, Le château de Compiègne, RMN, 1989. Jean-Marie […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireRueil-Malmaison
Rueil Malmaison / Gérard Soncarrieu, Les Grandes Heures de Rueil-Malmaison, 1990 (on sale at the Tourist Office, 12 rue Paul Vaillant-Couturier. Here you will find other books covering the history of the city and many small souvenirs concerning Bonaparte, Josephine and the Malmaison Estate: drawings, etchings, porcelain pieces, historic figurines, etc.). The Malmaison and Bois-Préau […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireSuez
ON FERDINAND DE LESSEPS BATBEDAT Th., De Lesseps intime, F. Julien éditeur, 1899. BEATTY Charles, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Del Duca, 1957. BERTRAND Alphonse and Ferrier Emile, Ferdinand de Lesseps, sa vie, son oeuvre, Paris, Charpentier & Cie, 1887. BRIDIER L., Une famille française, les de Lesseps, 1900. CESARI Eliane and Felix-Antoine, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Le […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireParks and gardens
Here are a few books we recommend on Parisian gardens: ALPHAND Adolphe, Les promenades de Paris, 2 volumes. Paris: Rothschild, 1867-1873; reprint Princeton Architectural Press, 1984. This volume bears witness to the crucial role played by the outstanding engineer Alphand in creating urban park projects. Illustrated with numerous period drafts, engravings, drawings of park furniture, […]