Places, museums, monuments : 33
Place, museum or monument / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, VariaMuseum of the Franco-Prussian War and the Annexation at Gravelotte
In April 2014, the Museum of the Franco-Prussian War and the Annexation was inaugurated in Gravelotte, a town famous for the battle of Saint-Privat (known as the battle of Gravelotte in Germany) that took place there on 18 August 1870. The museum is not just a linear account of the conflict that broke out between France […]
Place, museum or monument / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireMusée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l’Annexion [Museum of the Franco-Prussian War]
A history museum unique in Europe This museum, which opened in 2014, is the only one entirely devoted to the history of the Franco-Prussian War [la Guerre de 1870] and the annexation of Alsace and part of Lorraine by the German Empire (1871-1918). It takes a fresh look at the issues raised by this conflict […]
Place, museum or monumentChâteau de Bessonies
History and locationBessonies, a small commune in the Lot département, sits at an altitude of 580 metres above sea level. The huge Château de Bessonies was built in the 16th century and features two round towers that flank the front facade. It is particularly famous for being the location of Maréchal Ney's arrest on 3 […]
Place, museum or monumentMusée Napoléon de la Pommerie
History Tucked away in the small commune of Cendrieux, in the heart of the Périgord region, and housed in a modest château belonging to the Witt family, is the Musée Napoléon de la Pommerie. The property was acquired towards the end of the 1940s by Princess Marie-Clotilde Napoléon, the great grand-daughter of Jerome, King of […]
Place, museum or monumentMusée Murat (Labastide-Murat, Lot)Given to the Lot department by the descendants of the comtes Murat (the branch derived from the Marshal's brother), the house in which that proud cavalier, but also 'grand amiral', grand-duc de Berg and King of Naples was born, is open to the public, offering…
Place, museum or monumentMusée Fesch – Ajaccio
In the heart of Ajaccio lies Palais Fesch, and in that building is the Musée Fesch displaying the painting collection amassed by Cardinal Joseph Fesch (1763-1839), Napoleon's maternal uncle and archbishop of Lyons, the primate of the Gauls, a great art lover and important patron. It was Fesch's desire to found an Intsitute of Arts […]
Place, museum or monumentCompiègne Forest
'The forest gave birth to hunting, and hunting – the passion of the kings of France – gave birth to the palace of Compiègne'. Such were the words of Philippe Marini, the senator/mayor of Compiègne, in describing the influence of this forest. The third largest French national forest after those near Orléans and Fontainebleau, Compiègne […]
Place, museum or monumentMusée national de la Voiture et du Tourisme
Founded in 1927, on the initiative of the Touring Club de France, the French National Car and Tourism museum takes as its theme the history of road transport from its origins in horse-drawn vehicles to the beginnings of the motor car. Examples of two types of horse-drawn vehicle are on display, namely four-wheelers and two-wheelers. […]
Place, museum or monumentBaron Gérard Museum
The Baron Gérard Museum has been located since 1900 in the oldest wing of the bishops' residence of Bayeux. It owes its name to the large legacy donated in 1898 by Henri-Alexandre Gérard (1818-1903), great art lover, deputé for the arrondissement and nephew of the painter François Gérard. The museum possesses an interesting collection of Neoclassical […]
Place, museum or monumentBiarritz Historical Museum
Located in a former Anglican church, the Biarritz Historical Museum was set up in 1986 by the Association of Friends of Old Biarritz as a concrete expression of their intention to revive interest in the city's past. The porch houses a memorial to the English who fell in the Napoleonic wars, particularly in the battles which […]