Bibliographies : 9
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireStudy and Research Bibliography for the First Empire
All the works mentioned here can be read at the Bibliothèque M. Lapeyre – Fondation Napoléon, whose catalogue is online. PRIMARY SOURCES – Almanach national de France de la République française une et indivisible / présenté aux deux Conseils et au Directoire executif par P.Testu. – Chez Testu successeur de la Ve D’Houdry. 5 vol. […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireDomaine National du Château de Fontainebleau
Château, museum and collections Books and exhibition catalogues AA.VV, Guide du musée national de Fontainebleau, RMN, 1998 AA.VV, L’Abcdaire du château de Fontainebleau, Paris, Flammarion, 1999 AA.VV, Fontainebleau, special edition of Connaissance des Arts, 1991 Jean-Marie Pérouse de Montclos, Georges Fessy, Fontainebleau, Scala, 1998 (English and French versions available) Colombe Samoyault-Verlet, Jean-Pierre Samoyault, Château de […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireCompiègne
On the château, the museums and the park Marie-Blanche d’Arneville, Parcs et jardins sous le Premier Empire, Paris, Tallandier, 1981 Trois siècles d’art des jardins au château de Compiègne, catalogue of the exhibition organised by ” L’atelier au château “, DRAC Info Picardie, n°26, sept-oct. 1986 Jean-Marie Moulin, Le château de Compiègne, RMN, 1989. Jean-Marie […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAnti-Napoleon
Ashton (J.), English caricature and satire on Napoleon I, London, Chatto & Windus, 1884, 2 vol. Aulard (A.), Paris sous le Consulat, Paris, Léopold Cerf/Noblet/Quantin, 1909, t. IV. Broadley; Napoleon in caricature, 1795-1821 ; London, 1911. Bulletin des Lois de l’Empire Français, Paris, Brumaire an XIII, t. I ; January 1812, t. XV. Champfleury, Histoire […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNapoleon and Corsica
Find out more about Napoleon’s youth in Corsica Paul Bartel, La jeunesse inédite de Napoléon, Amiot-Dumont, Paris, 1954. Arthur Chuquet, La jeunesse de Napoléon, I. Brienne, Armand colin, Paris, 1897. Louis Madelin, Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire, 1.La jeunesse de Bonaparte, Tallandier, 1974. Frédéric Masson, Napoléon dans sa jeunesse (1769-1793), Librairie Ollendorff, Paris, Nasica, […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireRueil-Malmaison
Rueil Malmaison / Gérard Soncarrieu, Les Grandes Heures de Rueil-Malmaison, 1990 (on sale at the Tourist Office, 12 rue Paul Vaillant-Couturier. Here you will find other books covering the history of the city and many small souvenirs concerning Bonaparte, Josephine and the Malmaison Estate: drawings, etchings, porcelain pieces, historic figurines, etc.). The Malmaison and Bois-Préau […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAuthors of Napoleon
Further information and greater detail on the literary movements of the First and the Second Empires: Précis de littérature française du XIXe siècle, edited by Madeleine Ambrière, PUF, 1990. Descotes Maurice, La Légende de Napoléon et les écrivains du XIXe siècle, Minard, 1967. L.H. Lecomte, Napoléon et le monde dramatique, Daragon, 1912. P. Martino, Le […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd Empire, Directory / 1st EmpireParks and gardens
Here are a few books we recommend on Parisian gardens: ALPHAND Adolphe, Les promenades de Paris, 2 volumes. Paris: Rothschild, 1867-1873; reprint Princeton Architectural Press, 1984. This volume bears witness to the crucial role played by the outstanding engineer Alphand in creating urban park projects. Illustrated with numerous period drafts, engravings, drawings of park furniture, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNew York
To find out more about New York and Napoleon James David Draper, The Arts under Napoleon, works selected from the Metropolitan Museum of Art holdings and other New York collections, 1978. The Age of Napoleon, costume from Revolution to Empire 1789-1815, The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1989. The Metropolitan […]