Bibliographies : 11
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireMarie Walewska
Memoirs Marie Walewska’s Memoirs: 3 versions – Version 1: belonging to the Count Alexandre Colonna-Walewski. Private collection. English and French versions available online at (English) and at (French). – Version 2: belonging to the Count d’Ornano and held at the Chateau la Branchoire (Touraine), private collection. – Version 3: Pamiętnik Marii Walewskiej (Marie […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st Empire, VariaColin White (selected bibliography)
It is with great sadness that we announce the death on Christmas Day 2008 of Captain Dr Colin White, FSA, FRHistS, MA. Colin was a passionate Nelson expert who in the twenty-first century occupied a special place during the bicentenary commemorations of the British admiral. His death is a great loss for the Nelsonian and […]
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireAbd el-Kader
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNapoleonic works by Jacques Logie
BOOKS – Waterloo, la campagne de 1815. Editions Racine, 2003 – Les magistrats des cours et des tribunaux en Belgique, 1794-1814: essai d’approche politique et sociale. Droz, 1998 – Waterloo, l’évitable défaite. Duculot, 1984, reprinted as Napoléon: la dernière bataille, Brussel, 1998. – (ed.) Napoléon face à l’Europe. Brussels 1990 ARTICLES – (ed.) “18 juin […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireStudy and Research Bibliography for the First Empire
All the works mentioned here can be read at the Bibliothèque M. Lapeyre – Fondation Napoléon, whose catalogue is online. PRIMARY SOURCES – Almanach national de France de la République française une et indivisible / présenté aux deux Conseils et au Directoire executif par P.Testu. – Chez Testu successeur de la Ve D’Houdry. 5 vol. […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Proclamation of Empire (18 May, 1804)
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireDrouot
AMBERT (general). – Le général Drouot (1880). BERTRAND (general). – Cahiers de Sainte-Hélène (1951). BLOY (Léon). – L’âme de Napoléon, in Mercure de France (1966). CAULAINCOURT (Duc de Vicence). – Mémoires (1933). CHUQUET (Arthur). – Inédits napoléoniens (1914-1920). DHUMEZ (H.). – Napoléon au Golfe-Juan et à Cannes (1932). DROUOT (general). – Lettres in la Sabretache […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAnti-Napoleon
Ashton (J.), English caricature and satire on Napoleon I, London, Chatto & Windus, 1884, 2 vol. Aulard (A.), Paris sous le Consulat, Paris, Léopold Cerf/Noblet/Quantin, 1909, t. IV. Broadley; Napoleon in caricature, 1795-1821 ; London, 1911. Bulletin des Lois de l’Empire Français, Paris, Brumaire an XIII, t. I ; January 1812, t. XV. Champfleury, Histoire […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNapoleon and Corsica
Find out more about Napoleon’s youth in Corsica Paul Bartel, La jeunesse inédite de Napoléon, Amiot-Dumont, Paris, 1954. Arthur Chuquet, La jeunesse de Napoléon, I. Brienne, Armand colin, Paris, 1897. Louis Madelin, Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire, 1.La jeunesse de Bonaparte, Tallandier, 1974. Frédéric Masson, Napoléon dans sa jeunesse (1769-1793), Librairie Ollendorff, Paris, Nasica, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAuthors of Napoleon
Further information and greater detail on the literary movements of the First and the Second Empires: Précis de littérature française du XIXe siècle, edited by Madeleine Ambrière, PUF, 1990. Descotes Maurice, La Légende de Napoléon et les écrivains du XIXe siècle, Minard, 1967. L.H. Lecomte, Napoléon et le monde dramatique, Daragon, 1912. P. Martino, Le […]