Bibliographies : 46
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Battle of Aspern-Essling
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: the Battle of Aspern-Essling. The Battle Jean Tranié, L’épopée napoléonienne : les grandes batailles. Paris, Tallandier, 1999 Renaud Faget, “La bataille d’Essling”, in Napoléon Ier : le magazine du Consulat et de l’Empire, pp. 16-29, n° 25, 03-04/2004 Michel Molières, La campagne de 1809 : Les opérations du 24 avril […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAndreas Hofer and the insurrection of the Tyrol, 1809-1810
This bibliography forms part of our close-up on: Andreas Hofer and the insurrection in the Tyrol, 1809-1810. Complete bibliography Hans Hochenegg, Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Tiroler Freiheitskampfes von 1809, Innsbruck, 1960 (more than 3,000 books and articles in German, English, French, Italian and Danish) English F. Gunther Eyck, Loyal Rebels: Andreas Hofer and the Tyrolean Uprising […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st Empire, VariaColin White (selected bibliography)
It is with great sadness that we announce the death on Christmas Day 2008 of Captain Dr Colin White, FSA, FRHistS, MA. Colin was a passionate Nelson expert who in the twenty-first century occupied a special place during the bicentenary commemorations of the British admiral. His death is a great loss for the Nelsonian and […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Meeting at Erfurt
Bibliography / 2nd Republic / 2nd EmpireAbd el-Kader
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireNapoleonic works by Jacques Logie
BOOKS – Waterloo, la campagne de 1815. Editions Racine, 2003 – Les magistrats des cours et des tribunaux en Belgique, 1794-1814: essai d’approche politique et sociale. Droz, 1998 – Waterloo, l’évitable défaite. Duculot, 1984, reprinted as Napoléon: la dernière bataille, Brussel, 1998. – (ed.) Napoléon face à l’Europe. Brussels 1990 ARTICLES – (ed.) “18 juin […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Peace of Tilsit, July 1807
BOOKS In French – Casaglia, Gherardo, Le partage du monde. Napoléon et Alexandre à Tilsit. Paris, Editions SPM, 1998 (French translation of Casagli, Una zattera…, see below). – Kerautret, Michel, Les grands traités de l’Empire (1804-1810), La Bibliothèque Napoléon, NME, 2004. – Kerautret, Michel; Madec, Gabriel (eds.), Correspondance générale de Napoléon Bonaparte : Tome 7, 1807 – […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Battle of Eylau and the Battle of Friedland
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireJena and Auerstadt
Sources and Bibliography in German Books – Bailleu, Paul, Preussen und Frankreich von 1795 bis 1807. Diplomatische Correspondenzen, Leipzig 1881-1887 (volume 2 in particular) reprinted in, Publikationen aus den Preussischen Staatarchiven Band 8 und 29, Osnabrück: Otto Zeller, 1965. – Bichler, Karl-Horst, Napoleons Krieg gegen Preußen und Sachsen 1806. Saalfeld, Jena und Auerstedt, Einhorn-Presse Reinb, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Confederation of the Rhine (1806-1815)