Bibliographies : 46
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireFrance’s colonial policy, 1789 – 1815 (Documents published between 1799 and 1815)
I / CONTEMPORARY DOCUMENTS 1°) The colonial question during the Revolution (1789-1799) DUVAL DE SANADON (David), Discours sur l’esclavage des nègres et sur l’idée de leur affranchissement dans les colonies, Paris, Hardouin et Gattey, 1786, 126 p. Précis des gémissemens des sang-mêlés dans les colonies françoises, Paris, Baudouin, 1789, 16 p. CLARKSON (Thomas), Essai sur […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireAusterlitz, 2 December, 1805
This bibliography is part of our Austerlitz Special Dossier The books consultable at the Bibliothèque Martial-Lapeyre-Fondation Napoléon are marked: BML. Historical and diplomatic context – ALOMBERT (Paul Claude), COLIN (J.). La campagne de 1805, Nouvelle édition sous la direction de Jacques Garnier. Paris, Éditions historiques Teissèdre, 2002. 4 vol. maps (Collection du bicentenaire de l’Épopée […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Battle of Trafalgar (21 October, 1805)
The works selected here have been chosen because of their accessibility. They are arranged in order of publication date, most recent to oldest; those with a link have been featured on our Just Published pages: Documents and eyewitness accounts – WARWICK, Peter, Voices from the Battle of Trafalgar, London: David & Charles, 2005, p. 320 […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireStudy and Research Bibliography for the First Empire
All the works mentioned here can be read at the Bibliothèque M. Lapeyre – Fondation Napoléon, whose catalogue is online. PRIMARY SOURCES – Almanach national de France de la République française une et indivisible / présenté aux deux Conseils et au Directoire executif par P.Testu. – Chez Testu successeur de la Ve D’Houdry. 5 vol. […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireCoronation of Napoleon as king of Italy, 26 May, 1805 in Milan
This bibliography is part of our special dossier on the coronation of Napoleon as king of Italy, 26 may, 1805 in Milan. Printed Primary Sources: – Documenti officiali relativi al nuovo regno d’Italia e all’incoronazione di Napoleone I, imperatore dei’ Francesci e re d’Italia, Milan, 1805. – Programme de la cérémonie du couronnement de S. […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Proclamation of Empire (18 May, 1804)
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Code Civil
Bibliography of works in French: The Code Civil in different contemporary versions Code civil des français – Édition originale et seule officielle. Paris: de l’Imprimerie de la République, An XII 1804 436 p. DECOMBEROUSSE Benoît-Michel, Code Napoléon mis en vers français, Paris 1811 FLACON-ROCHELLE J. H., Code civil des Français mis en vers, Paris 1805 […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Louisiana Purchase
WORKS US archival resource details online University of Texas Campus The text of the treaties – The Louisiana Purchase Treaty, and the two financial conventions, of 30th of April 1803 On Franco-American relations in general – DeConde, Alexander, The Quasi War: the politics and diplomacy of the undeclared war with France, 1797-1801, New York: Scribner’s, […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireDrouot
AMBERT (general). – Le général Drouot (1880). BERTRAND (general). – Cahiers de Sainte-Hélène (1951). BLOY (Léon). – L’âme de Napoléon, in Mercure de France (1966). CAULAINCOURT (Duc de Vicence). – Mémoires (1933). CHUQUET (Arthur). – Inédits napoléoniens (1914-1920). DHUMEZ (H.). – Napoléon au Golfe-Juan et à Cannes (1932). DROUOT (general). – Lettres in la Sabretache […]
Bibliography / Directory / 1st EmpireThe Peace of Amiens (1802)
A short bibliography: Text of the Amiens Peace Treaty Articles: “The Peace of Amiens”, Thierry Lentz, in La Revue Napoléon, January-February-March 2002, n° 9, p. 22-28. Books: Additional Papers, presented to the House of Commons, by Lord Hawkesbury, respecting the Discussions with France. ENGLAND. Parliament. House of Commons, London: J. Ginger: , 1803. 19 p. […]