Personalities of the First or Second Empire
CHILOT Etienne, In the shadow of Eugénie: The last empress in exile Bilingual edition: French/English
SCARISBRICK Diana, Margaret de Flahaut (1788–1867): A Scotswoman at the French Court
DANCOISNE-MARTINEAU Michel, Sir Hudson Lowe: Victim of St Helena (Series “Napoleon and St Helena”, Volume 11) Bilingual edition: French/English
DE LA POER BERESFORD Marcus, Marshal William Carr Beresford: ‘The ablest man I have yet seen with the army’
Coffee-table books
GUEGAN Stephane, VIGUIER-DUTHEIL Florence, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres e la vita artistica al tempo di Napoleone. [Exhibition Catalogue, Italian].
BERGDOLL Barry, FONTAINE Pierre Francois Leonard, PERCIER Charles, The Complete Works of Percier and Fontaine
CHILOT Etienne, In the shadow of Eugénie: The last empress in exile [Bilingual edition: French/English]
Un soir chez la princesse Mathilde. Une Bonaparte et les arts [An evening with Princess Mathilde – A Bonaparte and the Arts] [exhibition catalogue, French]
Corsica impériale. Napoléon III et la Corse (1851-1870)[exhibition catalogue, French]
Napoléon: Chefs d’oeuvres des collections de la ville d’Ajaccio [Napoleon: masterpieces of the Ajaccio Museum]
TAMISIER-VÉTOIS Isabelle et al, Meubles à secrets, Secrets de meubles [Secret furniture, furniture secrets] [exhibition catalogue, French]
BOLAND Darrin (translator), BRONEVSKIY Vladimir Bogdanovich, Northern Tars in Southern Waters: The Russian Fleet in the Mediterranean, 1806-1810
Napoleon and Europe
DE GRAAF Beatrice, DE HAAN Ido, VICK Brian E., Securing Europe after Napoleon 1815 and the New European Security Culture
HAYNES Christine, Our Friends the Enemies: The Occupation of France after Napoleon
GOURGAUD Gaspard, MACE Jacques, Général Gourgaud – Journal intégral 1815-1818 [Gourgaud’s unabridged St-Helena Journal] French
LENTZ Thierry, Bonaparte n’est plus! [Bonaparte is no more!] French
BONDARTCHOUK Serguej, War and Peace (1966 film, new restoration (2019) with supplementary material)